Spanish Produce Dangerously High Levels of Pesticides
44% of all produce in 2019 were contaminated with dangerous levels of pesticides
44% of all produce in 2019 were contaminated with dangerous levels of pesticides
HPV Vaccine Is Associated with Serious Health Risks, Including Sudden Death This article is from who did a great research piece that I wanted to share with you here. Many women are not aware that the HPV vaccine Gardasil might actually increase your risk of cervical cancer. Initially, that information came straight from Merck … [Read more…]
Get your FREE Chiropractic Coloring Book Download a FREE coloring book that you can print our for your children as many times as you want (or they want). Cool chiropractic coloring pages to celebrate the very first Chiropractic Adjustment performed by D. D. Palmer on September 18, 1895. 123 years of chiropractic healing around the … [Read more…]
Decades of Big Pharma Pushing Drugs on Children Short and sweet; Drug companies are and have been trying to expand their user base like any company looking for more profits and they will continue this practice as long as they are for-profit entities. When I first read 20 years ago that they wanted to lower … [Read more…]