Honey Can Ease A Hang-Over…for real!

Honey has always been known for special health benefits

Curing a Hangover

There are so many false hangover remedies out there, “hair of the dog” to Tabasco and tomato juice and many more.   But did you know that HONEY actually has sicence behind it to prove it helps a hangover!

According to the Royal Society of Chemistry, the fructose in honey can help to break down the alcohol in your body into harmless byproducts that are easily eliminated without causing the strong symptoms we know as a hangover.

When you drink alcolhol your body breaks down the alcohol into acetaldehyde, a which is toxic to your body and brain causing the hangover symptoms. However, when you consume honey, the fructose turns it into acetic acid, which is easily and quickly broken down by your body’s normal metabolic pathways.  The fructose makes the potentially toxic acetaldehyde into carbon dioxide, which your body can literally breathe out when you exhale.

Honey, when paired with toast, also provides both sodium and potassium, the two electrolytes your body needs to maintain a healthy fluid balance.

One 2014 study also found that honey helped increase the autonomic activity of mice who were given alcohol (enough to make them drunk) and introducing honey into the mice decreased their blood alcohol levels. The type of fructose in honey prevented hangovers and the no so fun symptoms of excessive alcohol consumption.

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