All exercises are important for spinal stability but if you are not walking on “good feet” due to foot issues like bunions, flat feet, high arches or the most common, uneven arches (your right foot is higher than your left foot) you will be throwing yoru back out just by walking. Custom orthotics are crucial to fix this as you cannot change the shape of your feet! We use a laser scanner to make a “copy” of your arhes and then have correct, comfortable, soft orthotics made just for you! Let Dr. Tipp explain.
Low Back Stretches
McKinzie Flexion and Extension Stretches. Do 3 sets of 5 reps. STOP if this causes pain. If you your back pain feels better when you sit or lean forward then you will start with the first stretches in this video as they are all “Flexion Biased”, I like the flexed position to reduce my pain. The end of this video is for those of you that like standing or walking or laying flat on your back to reduce your back pain. This is “Extension Biased”, I like bending backwards to reduce my back pain.
Do 3 sets of 8-10 per day, increase as you get stronger. STOP if immediately if this causes pain during the exercise.
Supine Heel Lifts for Lower Abs.
Do 3 sets of 3-10 per day. STOP if immediately if this causes pain during the exercise.
Simple Sciatic Pain Stretches – Pregnancy Safe
Do these whenever possible or sciatic pain hits you and you cannot get to your chiropractor.
Door Knob Squats – Pregnancy Safe, recommended for EVERYONE
This simple routine is good for EVERYONE not just pregnant ladies. Do this routine 1 x day if you can to keep your spine limber and moving in-between chiropractic adjustments.
Desk Stretches
This 30 second break from your computer desk will save your back and neck!