Identity theft generally occurs when an individual overshares their personal information. According to Experian, something as simple as your mother’s maiden name can serve as enough personal information to infiltrate your online identity.
Please follow the steps below to learn more about how to monitor and protect your privacy on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube.
1. Log in to Facebook and click on Settings
2. Select Privacy
a. Privacy Settings and Tools section will open: Here you have the ability to change your profile access to control who views your posts and who cannot.
3. You can also change various Facebook settings in the “Security and Login” section of Settings and monitor your usage.
a. In this section, you can set up extra security by designating three to five friends to act as backups if you get locked out of your Facebook account. Additionally, you can monitor where you’re currently logged in by device type (MAC, iPhone, etc.) and location. Lastly, in this section you can change your password, confirm two-factor authentication, and choose to get alerts when there’s an unrecognized login to your account.
4. If you visit the “Apps and Websites” section, you can monitor applications able to access your Facebook data or information.
a. If you have any apps, websites and games connected to your Facebook, you will be able to click on the app and see what information is being shared with the app or website and who else from your Facebook page can see that information. If you are sharing information with an app, you should select “Only me” to keep this information private.
To learn more about how to access your Facebook data, click here.
1. Log in to Twitter and click on “Settings and privacy”
In the main “Account” settings, you’ll be able to:
· Review your Security login verification methods (set up two-factor authentication)
· Select if you want to require personal information (email/phone number) for a password change
· Request your Twitter archive
2. The “Privacy and safety settings” section on Twitter is where you will be able to publicize your tweets, or keep them private and viewable only to those you approve to follow you. If you choose private settings, click the box next to “Protect your Tweets.”
3. To change your password, click on the “Password” section.
4. The “Apps” section within “Account” settings allows you to see if any apps are connected to your account. You can “Connect to” or “Revoke Access” to those apps you do not want to allow access.
To learn more about safety and security on Twitter, click here.
1. Log in to LinkedIn and select “Settings and Privacy.”
a. Under Settings and Privacy, you will have access to several settings including but not limited to: Account, Privacy, Ads and Communications. The “Account” section will let you manage your login and security.
2. When accessing your “Account” settings, you can view “Partners and services,” which showcases who you have shared access to your LinkedIn Account with and who can access your LinkedIn data. You have the option to remove contacts from this section.
3. The “Privacy” settings section allows you to choose what others can see and how LinkedIn uses your data.
To learn more about to manage your account and privacy settings on LinkedIn, click here.
1. Log in to Instagram and click on the gear symbol in the top right corner.
2. Under “Options,” you have the ability to:
a. Adjust Account settings for “Photos of You”
b. Adjust “Story Settings”
c. “Edit Profile” or “Change Password”
d. Setup Two-Factor Authentication to protect others from logging into your account, even if they get your password
e. View “Blocked Users”
f. Switch account to “Private Account”
g. Under the “Settings” section, you can view “Linked Accounts” — social media accounts linked to your Instagram account, such as Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr
h. Review Instagram’s “Privacy Policy” under “About” and search the “Help Center” for “Support” for more details
To learn more about how to manage your account and privacy settings on Instagram, click here.
1. Log in to Pinterest and select the three dots that appear on the top right of the platform.
2. Click “Edit Settings”
3. Within the settings, you can change your password or connect “Social Networks.”
4. In the “Security” section, you can “Enable Two-Factor Authentication,” turn on “Require code at log-in,” by clicking the toggle and view all sessions in which you are logged into Pinterest.
To learn more about how to manage your account and privacy settings on Pinterest, click here.
1. Log in to YouTube and click on “Settings,” where you will be able to control your profile and uploaded videos.
2. You have the option to make videos public, private, or unlisted, which means they can be seen or shared by anyone with the appropriate link.
To learn more about how to change your video and playlist privacy settings, click here.
SOURCE: Experian
A big thanks to the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress for sharing this Experian blog post with Foundation Group Members.