Yet another study recently compiled showed another reason NOT to be over-weight. People with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) have increased odds of depression, dementia, and other neurological conditions, according to a study in the Journal of Hepatology.
NAFLD is usually caused by a high-sugar, high-fat diet, which has been linked to brain fog, mood imbalances, and other brain-related symptoms on its own. Now, there is a direct link between NAFLD — an increasingly common liver disease affecting 25 percent of the population — and suboptimal brain function.
A buildup of fat in the liver is associated with a decrease in oxygen in the brain, as well as brain tissue inflammation, said the researchers. Both conditions are present in those with serious brain disorders.
A buildup of fat in the liver is associated with a decrease in oxygen in the brain, as well as brain tissue inflammation, said the researchers. Both conditions are present in those with serious brain disorders. Decades of being over-weight or obese will eventually damage your brain and nervous system, change the person you are to scared, angry, mean person even…
Over-weight people are beautiful and fun no one should be body shaming a “big” person but that still doesn’t change the fact that they are unhealthy. An obese person is doomed to an adult life of chronic pain and deteriorating health problems that according to this research can end with Alzeimher’s or Dementia in people that should never have had to deal with that disease. If the heart doesn’t fail first over weight and especially obese people are most likely doomed to mental decline in their last decades of life.
Now imagine the obese person that has a new baby, as beautiful and amazing as that new life is they have just created a “less than healthy” baby because of their obesity that will struggle with health issues for the rest of its life. Unhealthy people having unhealthy babies are dooming those over-weight children to a possible early end of a frustrating life filled with emotional issues that are not their fault. Trying to over-come childhood obesity is almost impossible if the role models at home are over-weight or obese themselves. The lifestyle eating and exercising skills that all children need to learn are obviously missing.
Children model their behavior after those around them, parents, other family members, neighbors, teachers, and TV personalities. All these people help all of us develope into the adults we will become. If you as a parent can’t get passed your weight loss demons then your child will most likely never get over theirs unless there are healthy examples outside your home that are available for your children. But even with those outside “examples” of fitness you are still the biggest model your child has. Lifestyle is huge and is a key factor to over coming all weight issues. But for the child of an over-weight parent whoes body chemistry was created in an overweight woomb that was ran on “damaged chemistry” from being over-weight the odds of living a healthy fulfilliing life for a lifetime over-weight person are veyr low.
This is not a “how to article” it is wake up call for anyone who has this problem to do something about their weight issue now not tomorrow or after the holidays. No sweet treat or bread or cheese is worth killing yourself over let alone creating a weak human being for. Side note; this issue applies to men as much as women, your over-weight unhealthy sperm is half that child’s DNA so you too need to do better on the weight loss front as well. Dementia will affect your brain due to your fatty liver as easily as your lady friend’s.
Dr. Demetrios Kydonieus, Chiropractic Nutritionist availble for your questions and feedback.
This is a very informative article. Thank you for sharing!
thank you