A good, short read on the weight loss drugs that are all the rage now. Basically, GI symptoms, bowel issues for as long as you take them. They may help a person drop 10-20% of their weight but they have to take them for life to maintain it. What they did not mention were the severe side effects like blindness and peripheral neuropathies and intestinal damage causing poor nutrient absorption. So indirect diseases will be worse but they are not “legally” needing to be on the drug insert.
And Back Pain will increase due to muscle toxicity issues from poor digestion (all large muscle groups will be achy), so they may not respond as quickly as you are used to with adjusting since stability will be hard to maintain as the muscles will be chronically weaker. I have a chronic patient that had been injured in a car accident 2 yrs ago and has been on Ozempic for 2+ yrs. I was able to get her 75% improved but now nothing gets this last 25% chronic intercostal/lumbodorsal pain to totally go away like my other patients NOT on Ozempic type drugs. I have used laser (different types), Radial Pulse Wave (helped a little), distraction, exercise, different adjusting techniques, Activator, manual, Upper Cervical, Drop, Cox, etc. Intensive chiro schedule, spread out chiro schedule no difference. Now just a basic 4-6 week maintenance schedule to keep it manageable”.
She is Type II Diabetic, eats well but won’t go off the Ozempic as her MD says she needs it and the Metformin to avoid insulin injections. (Side note Metformin response is 5 years then it becomes ineffective). Big Pharma lifetime patient. Of course she is lower income and insurance pays for the drugs so my long term nutritional supplement protocols are not in her budget, so we keep it simple and focus on some basic diabetes support supplements, diet- NO sugar, low carbs, moderate intake of good fats, moderate protein 3-5 small meals per day. Some intermittent fasting from time to time. Even some Vagal Nerve TENS stim (Thank you Dr. Banks). All this and time we keep her “okay” but not totally pain-free.
Yes I have others on these drugs responding the same way.
Thank you, Weight Loss Drugs and Big Pharma’s Billion-Dollar marketing campaign!