Genetic and lifestyle factors, along with repeated head trauma, have long been associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease (AD).1 In comparison, the hypothesis that viruses like herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1), could contribute to the pathogenesis of AD has received relatively little attention until recently.2 New Research is showing a connection between the Herpes virus (HSV-1) which 80% of people are exposed to by age 60 in people with genetic predispositing factors {E4 variant of the apolipoprotein E gene (APOE4)} making them more suceptible to Alzeimher’s Disease later in life. This study showed there may be a significant relation to to “waking up” the dormant Herpes virus by head traumas which then activates the predisposing genes to cause AD degeneration! By blocking the main precuser an inflammatory enzyme called Interleukin 1β you can slow or possibly stop this brain degenative response.
So as I write this article summary during Football Season where concussions are a daily thing the researcher made a lot of sense by suggesting that maybe they use an antiviral (can be natural not a drug) with any concussion injury at any age happens. Currently they just use time, rest and pain killers if needed. This new little tweak could save a lot of grief later in life for those predisoposed to Alziemher’s Disease. If you let those genes lay dormant and not let the HSV-1 virus wake it you may avoid the devastation of AD.
The reseasrch was performed on “mini-brain tissue” cultures that had the AD gene put inside a mini-skull then the skulls were impacted with a piston to simulate a concussion. In one set of mini-brains with no HSV-1 exposure nothing abnormal followed the concussion just the normal expected mild inflammatory response. But in the min-brains exposed to HSV-1 the Alziember pathology started to show up after the concussive forces were applied, things like amyloid plaques and neuronal degeneration.
In closing, Herpes is a viruse that cloaks itself adn goes dormant and is great at hiding in the body away from your immune system. When the body is under stress which weakens it your immune response is slower and the virus (Chicken pox does this too) comes out to multiple and can be symptomatic after years since the original exposure. These newly activated viruses seen to activate nerve (brain) inflammatory compounds inthe body which can wreck havoc. Specific herbs and supplements can help your immune system to stop such outbreaks but there are many other factors here that may take a professional Herbalist or Holistic Doctor to figure out and slow or stop your outbreaks of Herpes or Shingles or Lyme’s, etc.
Dr. Kydonieus has been using herbal, nutritional and chiropractic principals to successfully treat patients for over 40 years and is here for internet or local consulations.